BC Skiing

Natural Habitat

March 2019
 Sunrise over the Sleeping Indian. The treat of getting it early.
 Throat of the Couloir, up into the clouds. At this point
I am hoping that the conditions clear just a little.
 Granite Canyon Shots
 Upper Couloir, steep & harder snow in here.
 This was taken from the top of the Couloir, 9937' and,
I'm looking up to these peaks all over 11K' and the headwall of Open Canyon
View of Pandora's from 10,000 ft, so many lines

Mt. Ogden
A chance to see my kiddo ski race and get on top of Mt. Ogden was a the quest. The rare treat was getting an un-tracked line on a sweet peak in Utah. Mt. Ogden, elevation 9,570-feet. It drops to all points of the compass. I dropped east. The Great Salt Lake and the city of Ogden sit more than a vertical mile straight down looking west. My route of descent, a chute starting at 52 degrees and mellowing to 45-degrees. This is an avalanche path that pinches down to just 15 feet wide between rock bands at points during the ski. The north face has me intrigued enough that I would like to come back, while the west face has the biggest line (5000vf) back to Ogden.

View of the South side of Mt. Superior from Mt. Kessler. While others were getting heli dropped on Superior I was fortunate enough to get up (human powered) Mt. Kessler with a new collegue and ski 20" of blower in the Wasatch. Cheers Eric!

February 2019
 Farming out my harvest. Managing to squeeze in six fatties in 22" of Teton blower in late February.
Getting a sweet exit line after the harvest runs.

February 2018
Once again I find myself earning my vertical with one of my longtime best friends (Dave Dufault). Disconnected from banners, lights, phones and all the Bullshit!


I have found over the years, that during times of suffrage we find ourselves questioning our own pathway and our own ideals that we are constantly striving to improve. 

Our fallen comrades we exemplary examples of great understated humans in Teton Valley. They will be deeply missed on a daily basis, and more importantly missed for being the epitome of what Teton Valley is striving for. The friends, family and acquaintances of these men have also come to this realization and provided overwhelming support to the one another for this loss.

I think it is essential to pick the torch up these men carried and continue these ideals forward.

Lowest Snowpack in a Century in the Sierra Nevada

The April 1 snowpack in the Sierra Nevada on the California/Nevada border is the lowest in over 100 years of snow water measurements.


Remembering Friends & Family

This past weekend a plane crash took three of our Teton Valley family members. This is a serious reminder of how fragile our life's are. I feel fortunate to have skied a run or three with you, to have ridden some single track with you and shared a beer at the brewery with you. My condolences go out to the wife's and families that are devastated.

We have lost three men that made Teton Valley a better place.
RIP boys. AJ Linell, Andy Tyson and Rusty Cheney


I probably knew AJ the best since we shared the cycling addiction and NUE racing fun together.

AJ was more or less raised in the Northern Colorado mountains, plunked onto a pair of cross-country skis as soon as he could walk. I remember AJ as endlessly chasing adventure as a mountain guide and instructor for NOLS and elsewhere. He spent his time racing mountain bikes in the NUE series, These are 100 mile races on a mountain bike. I appreciate and feel privaledged to have shared this need to ride/race bikes absurdly long distances. During the winter months I often would run into AJ on local peaks skiing powder or sharing it with others as a guide with backcountry skiers and snowboarders into the high places of the Tetons.

This is how I remember AJ. Cheers Buddy!

It makes what we worry about everyday so inconsequential and trivial. It is a reminder to go out everyday and live like you want to, live like AJ, AT and RC
Cheers to those we love, remember to wake up everyday and tell those we love, that we love them.
Be well.

Backcountry Travel Log

Teton Backcountry - Human Power

Banana Powder

Top of Taylor Video


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